
We invite you to join our community and be a part of the Astronomy hobby. Our forums are ready to display all of the wonderful pictures we and others will post here. Additionally, we will also have forums dedicated to new and first time astronomers, astronomy equipment, best practices and How to's with many more topics. Join the discussion and sign up here today.

Our Happenings

As an amateur astrophotographer I am faced with the realization that this is not a simple hobby. I was surprised that most of the equipment I purchased lacked detailed instructions, or did not include documentation about integration into a complete imaging system or in many cases how it worked. I've struggled for about 3 years to learn the basics, and while I know how to capture deep sky images, I'm far from an expert. I'm sure there are many more like me, so that is why MSHastro.com was started - to help each other in our quest to enjoy astronomy and astrophotography. I hope it will become a community of fellow enthusiasts, who can learn, share and grow, regardless of experience level. We're just getting started, so now's a great time to join our group. Please introduce yourself and by all means offer suggestions as to what topics and content you'd like to see. I just populated a few forums but would like to add many more, so let's get started.

NASA Live:

JPL Blogs:

NASA HD Videos:


NASA and JPL have their perspective copyrights displayed on their RSS feeds.